Law And More Project Banner — An Interview Series

Interview with Carmen Wu: on studying the law, finding your purpose and navigating stormy waters (III).

Kim Panti


In the final post of this three-part interview with Carmen Wu, and as a key focus of this project, I ask Carmen about what she does outside of the law. While she recounts the joys of having a new puppy and being woken up at early hours of the morning, she says that she has appreciated spending time with him and taking him for walks during her lunch break. Carmen also says that enjoys hiking and visiting waterfalls, and playing video games.

“[Before COVID], I did really enjoy going hiking and visiting waterfalls. I’ve visited quite a few in Victoria and around the world. I went to a really nice waterfall in Japan, and also New Zealand. When travel opens up, and when we can leave our houses* I’d want to go again. To surround yourself in nature, it’s a really good feeling, especially right now.”

*As of writing, the four reasons to leave home and curfews no longer apply and we are able to leave our houses. If you do leave your house, please remember to wear a mask. For more information on current COVID-19 restrictions please visit the government website.

On waterfall recommendations in Victoria, Carmen says:

“The most powerful waterfall that I went to is called Snobs Falls. I don’t remember how far the waterfall is from the car park but when you go onto the platform, the waterfall is right next to your ear. You just hear loud crashing. I couldn’t even hear my friends talk. That was how loud the waterfall was. That’s just showing how violent nature can be, and yet how gentle [it is]and how much it can provide for us. It was just mesmerising. We stayed right next to the waterfall for quite a while just adoring it.

I’d also recommend Mackenzie Falls, that’s located in the Grampians. I’ve been there twice in the past two years. It’s very photogenic.”

On a sport that she wants to pursue, Carmen says:

“I was thinking maybe jiu-jitsu or some sort of martial arts because it’s educational to be able to know how to defend yourself, and it’s very good for your health, anyway.”

On her next travel destination, Carmen says:

“I would want to go to Hong Kong and Taiwan. About 95% of my family is in Hong Kong. [I]t would be just good to visit family. And Taiwan because it’s close to Hong Kong, and a lovely [place]. I’ve visited maybe once before but it was only for three days. I’d want to explore the place more. There’s so much food there and it’s so cheap and even the nature part of Taiwan that a lot of people don’t think about — I’m sure there are lovely waterfalls there for me to go to.


To wrap up this final part of Carmen’s interview, I ask her to leave us with some final words of wisdom:

“Have a look into what pathways and options there are other than [just] clerkships and graduate programs. [Through those pathways,] maybe you can become a paralegal or a legal assistant [with the firm first]and [then]you can become a lawyer with them later. [Also] make sure to see what else is on offer before you head too far into your degree where it’s difficult to find these positions.”


  1. What do you do outside of the law? What are your hobbies, or things that you enjoy doing just for fun? How did you get into it?
  2. Have you seen a waterfall before? Do you like the outdoors or do you prefer indoor activities?
  3. What place would you like to visit in the near future and why? Does this place hold a special meaning for you?

Thank you Carmen for a very insightful interview, for sharing how you have navigated your career thus far, and for enthusiastically talking about your interests. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing from you and I can’t wait to see how your legal career develops!

If you would like to connect with Carmen, follow her on LinkedIn.

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Kim Panti

I am currently a graduate in a Big 4 firm with a keen interest in tech, data & privacy and the law. Also a language enthusiast and a lover of words.